DOT Physicals cost is $90.00 (not covered by insurance)

Dr. Dave is a certified medical examiner. Registry number 4600480376. DOT physicals take approximately 30 minutes. Please arrive 10 minutes before to fill out paperwork. A urine specimen will also be collected so we recommend drinking water before coming. We also recommend no caffiene before hand to keep your BP down (i.e. no coffee or soda)

Bring current non expired Drivers License.


Hearing: You must be able to perceive a whisper at 5 feet or greater with or without hearing aides in at least 1 ear.

Vision: You must be able to read a eye chart at a vision equivalent to 20/40 or better, with both eyes with or without glasses. Each eye independently must be 20/40. You must also have at least 70 degrees of peripheral vision.
You also need to be able to distinguish between red, amber and green.

Blood Pressure: You must have blood pressure equal to or lower then 140/90 with or without medication. Avoid cafieene prior to exam. BP is the most common disqalification so avaoid caffeine.

Urinalysis: Urinalysis screens for protein, blood, and sugar. It is not a drug test. If sugar is found in the urine you will be required to have a blood glucose test at an additional $10 fee.

Sleep Apnea: If you use a C-pap machine a usage report from the last three months is needed showing you use your machine 4 hours per night 70% of the time.

Bring a list of all current and past 5 years of medical conditions and medications: Please bring in any medical records you may have from your treating provider. A medication list can be faxed to us 608-781-9580.

Certain meds and conditions will prevent you from getting the full 2 years or from getting DOT certification all together.

If you have a past DOT certificate please bring that as well.